Please see below the call for nominations for the inaugural Ombudsperson for the Modernist Studies Association. You may nominate someone outside of the MSA membership, provided that they are familiar with academic organizations like the MSA, and are members in good standing of their professional organizations. Please note that we are not taking self-nominations at this time. Those interested in nominating someone for this position can do so by emailing the nominee’s full name and contact information, as well as a brief statement of explanation for your choice of nominee. Please send your nomination to Karen Weingarten (, Membership & Elections Chair, by February 28, 2025.
This call is organized by Aimee Wilson, Kate Schnur, and Octavio González, who together agreed to serve on the Ad-Hoc Committee convened to update the revised MSA Code of Conduct and the Anti-Harassment Policy. These revisions included the creation of an ombuds role for the MSA. The ombudsperson will be an independent and impartial resource to members and guide them through their options should they seek support. This support will be confidential. Please note that the ombudsperson will not adjudicate complaints about infractions of the anti-harassment policy or the code of conduct.
The first ombuds term is expected to run from May 2025 to May 2026 with the possibility of renewal for a second year. This is a position supported by a stipend. As the ombuds will be expected to attend the annual conference, their registration and hotel fees will be waived.</p>
The ombuds should be familiar with MSA or with other professional and academic organizations of a similar structure: The Modernist Studies Association is devoted to the study of the arts in their social, political, cultural, and intellectual contexts from the later nineteenth through the mid-twentieth century. The organization aims to develop an international and interdisciplinary forum to promote exchange among scholars in this vital and rapidly changing field. We are an organization of more than 800 people and our annual in-person conferences usually draw around 500–700 people. The MSA and its associated caucuses and special interest groups also host some remote, online-based events throughout the year. Governance is composed of an executive committee of 13 positions. The ombudsperson operates outside of the regular organizational hierarchy and chain of command. The ombuds listens actively and objectively to individual concerns or complaints but does not take sides or serve as a spokesperson for individuals. However, the ombuds is a strong advocate for social justice and fairly applied policies and processes. The ombuds position will offer unique behind-the-scenes resources for MSA members to express their concerns in a low-risk manner that encourages creative problem-solving. The MSA ombuds may also communicate privately and directly with the President and members of the MSA Executive Committee or Board, during or between Board meetings if inappropriate behavior and communication breakdowns are observed, or if the ombuds notices trends in the complaints they receive. The identity of all complainants will remain anonymous unless the ombuds is given express permission otherwise. The MSA’s inaugural ombuds program is an off-the-record service that is not the place to file formal complaints or grievances against the organization. That process is outlined in the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy cited above. Rather, the ombuds is meant to serve as a clearinghouse to consult with members, and to advise members as to the options available to them. The member may then choose how they will proceed, and that process might involve filing a formal complaint with the MSA. The ombuds protects the privacy of individual consultations except when there is an imminent risk of physical harm to self or others. The ombuds does not reveal information that identifies individuals without the express permission of all parties involved.The Role of the Ombuds:
Desired qualifications for the MSA Ombuds: